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Our Early Year Settings

SportyMinis is the perfect sports solution programme for every pre-school and nursery. The SportyMinis programme is currenlty being delivered to over 25 nurseries across London, Oxford and Devon.

The programme has been a hit with both the parents, teachers, managers and children.

CPD Training

We offer bespoke physical literacy training for practitioners all linked to the Early Years Curriculum.  Our most popular 3 hour INSET training is #EYFS Active Learning Opportunities –  Its time to excel children’s physical development by increasing children’s exposure to fundamental movement skills, and valuing both indoor and outdoor opportunities for active learning

Community Programme

We offer an array of community sessions from the ages of 22mths – 11years.

INSET Training 

What: 2-3 hour inset which goes over FMS, different ways to use different equipment, differentiation, final resource

Why: Educate practitioners to provide extra active learning opportunities for children both indoors and outdoors

How: Physical Development practical task to help promote more fundamental movement skills practise for children PLUS we will go over the 5 week active learning programme 3 outdoor and 3 indoor activities a week and extra indoor and outdoor yoga

Click here to download an example 2021 Autumn Extra Curricular Programme