The health and safety of children, early years settings and their staff, families we work with and our SportyMinis coaches are of crucial importance to us at
SportyMinis. This document has been put in place in accordance with the government guidance to ensure maximum hygiene and good practice at all times. You can find the current NHS guidance by clicking here . As well as with the assistance of Alison Featherbe Early Years trainer and consultant.
1. Updated Health and Safety Policy June 2020
2. Risk Assessment EY settings
3. Risk Assessment Community Sessions in Open Space
4. Staff Health Declarations
Health and Safety Policy: Updated June 2020
1. Introduction
2. Covid-19 safety Procedures
3. Roles and responsibilities in health and safety
4. Insurance issues
5. Consent forms, indemnity forms and codes of conduct
6. Dealing with accidents, incidents, emergencies and medical issues
7. Personal equipment and other personal effects
8. Equipment
9. Facilities and Wet weather
10. Risk assessments
1. Introduction
The SportyMinis programme focuses on delivering the fundamental movement skills all children need for their physical, emotional, social development. All our lessons are linked to the Early Years Learning Foundation stage framework to ensure maximum learning experience. Our sessions are an opportunity for children to participate in physical activity in a happy, safe and secure learning environment.
2. Covid-19 safety Procedures
As we move towards a planned re opening of early years settings and schools, we are aware that each setting has different health and safety and visitor policies and procedures. We here at SportyMinis will ensure we are up to date with all of these procedures before entering your setting. Here are our own current Covid-19 procedures. Please also see our risk assessment documents.
a) Coaches will have confirmed settings update policies and procedures related to visitors and health and safety
b) Coaches will have filled in our online health declaration each and every day of session delivery. *please request a copy
c) Coaches will travel safely to the settings
d) Coaches will enter the setting through a side gate if possible to avoid being inside the setting
e) Coaches will be using hand sanitiser before, during and after sessions
f) Coaches will change their shoes and t-shirts on arrival
g) Coaches will be using very little equipment if any.
h) Coaches will ensure that equipment is cleaned before and after each group
i) Any Covid-19 cases from within the settings we deliver to must be disclosed to Director ASAP so that the coach that was last at the setting self isolates for 7 days
For our community sessions
j) Coaches will have filled in our online health declaration each and every day of session delivery. *please request a copy
k) Coaches will travel safely to the settings
l) Coaches will assess the space to ensure it is big enough to host up to 12 families in their own 5m x 5m space with minimum 2m distance between each
family space.
m) Coaches will cone out the appropriate spacing as above. It is recommended that cones/markets are not touched or moved.
n) Coaches will be using hand sanitiser before, during and after sessions
o) Coaches will change their shoes and t-shirts on arrival
p) Coaches will be using very little equipment if any.
q) Coaches will ensure that equipment is cleaned before and after each group
r) Any Covid-19 cases from any of our families that we deliver to must be disclosed to Director ASAP so that the other families can be notified and our
coach who will then self isolate for 7 days
3. Roles and responsibilities in health and safety
Our expert sports coaches will ensure that the delivery area has been risk assessed before each session. They will also make sure that the children participating have appropriate footwear and attire that will ensure safe participation.
4. Insurance
SportyMinis has insurance through the holding company Clubsports London.
Policy number HIBI1860611XB The insured Club Sports London Limited Inception
date 14/11/2019 Expiry date 13/11/2020
5. Codes of conduct and photography consent forms
Parents that sign up for our classes via can access all of our code of conducts and terms of service. When signing children into classes they also have an option to opt out promotional material.
Our setting in which we deliver directly to can access our code of conduct on their request. And a separate photography consent form is agreed if sessions are to be recorded and photographed.
6. Dealing with accidents, incidents, emergencies and medical issues
All staff follow the following protocols if there is an incident of accident EY settings:
a) EY settings will have minimum 1 staff member present at session, therefore our coaches will follow lead of this staff member
b) Coach will assist in any emergency procedures followed at the setting
c) Coach will fill in a incident form as per settings procedures
d) Coach will contact Marnie Wills SportyMinis Director by phone at the earliest possible time
e) Coach will fill in SportyMinis incident email report
f) Both Coach and Director will check in with EY setting with regards to the follow up of incident/accident within 2 working days of incident/accident Community Sessions:
a) Coach will follow first aid procedures as per their first aid qualifications
b) Coach will ensure all details of incident are recorded before the end of session
c) Coach will contact Marnie Wills SportyMinis Director by phone at the earliest possible time
d) Both Coach and Director will check in with families with regards to the follow up of incident/accident within 2 working days of incident/accident
7. Coach Recruitment / Personal equipment and other personal effects
All coaches are employed with a minimum of a Level 1 sports coaching qualification, a first aid qualification and on most occasions have completed safeguarding and child protection training. They have a DBS on the update system, a first aid certificate, and have completed comprehensive SportyMinis sports leadership training. Our expert coaches will ensure they are dressed appropriately with no phones used before, during or after sessions and in the presence of children. Note exceptions may occur when using speaker and ipod/phone for music.
8. Equipment
All our equipment is checked weekly by our coaches, cleaned on a regular basis and is age appropriate. Some equipment can of course be of danger to children if used inappropriately. Therefore we encourage all adults to be focussing on children and their participation at all times.
For more details on health and safety in physical education please refer to Association of Physical Education Document HERE
9. Facilities and Wet Weather
All our sessions are delivered outside where possible. We like to keep our children outside until the coach deems it unsafe or EY setting manager requests children are kept inside. Coaches are likely to reschedule sessions if the area is too wet, muddy, frozen. Coaches will also consider the temperature and wind conditions. All sessions are scheduled for make up weeks or sessions transferred to the next term.
10. Risk assessments
See Separate documents below for;
Risk Assessment EY settings
Risk Assessment Community Sessions in Open Space
Covid 19 Risk Assessment – EY settings
Risk Assessment written by Director Marnie Wills June 5th 2020
Activity : SportyMinis Programme Delivery by coaches during Covid 19 outbreak
Covid 19 Risk Assessment – Community Sessions open outdoor space
Risk Assessment written by Director Marnie Wills June 5th 2020
Activity : SportyMinis Programme Delivery by coaches during Covid 19 outbreak
Amended by Director- Marnie Wills 05-06-2020